Frequently Asked Questions

How much for this many of part x? What is your best price?

The prices shown on our website are the best price. Quantity discounts are available on our most popular products - these discounts are shown on each product's page.


How much is shipping?

The shipping rates we charge are all shown here. If you add items to your basket the checkout will show you total shipping costs.


Do you do part y?

Everything we stock is shown on the website. If it isn’t listed we don’t sell it! (Except for custom batches of parts - see below)


Can you make a custom part? (e.g. wheel)

We are happy to produce custom batches of parts. However we have a minimum quantity of 20 for each part. Sorry, we do not quote for jobs smaller than 20 any more. We always recommend you use our off the shelf parts as it will be cheaper than a custom batch.


Do you have assembly diagrams for your kits?

Yes - see here


When will my order arrive?

We dispatch orders as soon as possible - usually within a week - and you will receive an email when your order has been dispatched. Delivery time after dispatch depends on the shipping option you have chosen: Royal Mail is 2-3 working days, UPS is 1-2 working days, pallets are 2-3 working days.


What is the difference between the 7¼" Standard Gauge and 7¼" Narrow Gauge profile?

These are two standards set by the 7¼" Gauge Society.

The Narrow Gauge profile wheels are thicker, and have a slightly thicker/deeper flange.

You can find dimensioned drawings here which show the difference!